Life from my perspective
To write or not to write, that is my question. Well, my first question but an easy one I suppose as I have already begun, Maybe the real question is what to write… or, even better yet and more accurate, where to start. I have written a few things here and there before but nothing serious, not that this will be, that is yet to be seen, “ya just never know what you’re gonna get” when I start writing. I was sparked you might say to begin writing that which comes to me so here I am this am just writing what comes out but I have a few thoughts so we’ll see where they lead.
Here they are in no specific order and I’ll add to them as the thoughts come out so if you choose to continue, please bare with me.
My eye has seen; what I know; what I believe….
My eye has seen: many things some would say and yet I feel there is so much still to see and learn but I’ll focus on what I have seen. What makes Jeffrey Allen Wieber who he is, who I am?
What I know: I know that God is in control and has a plan for my life. I can trust Him yet I’m not sure I understand “how”
What I believe: What I have seen and what I know do not add up. You see I use a very practical method to come to my conclusions. 1+1=2 right?! If I see someone jump off of a bridge they are either stupid, suicidal or just having fun and it’s totally safe. If there is water I can easily rule out suicidal then it is just a matter of whether or not they resurface smiling or bleeding as to whether they are brilliant or not so much. Maybe a bit warped, but this is my brain after 32 years of this “so called life”
OK, back to the start…
My eyes have seen… again, where to begin. Marriage, it can be an amazing thing where two people choose life together and follow through on that commitment. Most say in their vows “thru good and bad, sickness and health” or something like that right. However, that in most cases just isn’t what takes place. The bad comes along and everyone forgets commitments cause this isn’t what they thought bad would look like. Guess what folks, bad usually isn’t good. In fact, it often royally sucks! It’s life deal with it and keep going. Now, don’t get me wrong here. I fully believe there are times when divorce is necessary but I think it is a lot less than 55% of the time. Maybe 5-10% but even that is probably too much. I mean I’ve heard of people changes their vows to “as long as love shall last” instead of “until death do us part”. Well that sets ya up for success doesn’t it. Since love is a decision that has to be made, usually daily, then those folks don’t even really intend to stay together in my estimation, but hey what do I know. There have only been a few marriages I’ve seen survive all the way and 1 of those was simply because one person decided to zone out and pretend the bad didn’t exist. The one I saw the most of, we’ll call them Fred and Wilma was amazing. They lived together, worked together, laughed together and played together. Fred and Wilma had there struggles I’m sure but in the end (Fred past away a few years back) they loved each other and it showed. If I ever have the pleasure of a son I’ll likely name him after either Fred or Fred’s youngest son, they have been an amazing blessing to me over the years.
As I am simply writing things as they come to me I sit here thinking that some have asked me to tell them what all I have done and others have said I should write a book about my life. So I guess I’ll try to make a list of what I’ve done, work, sports and life in general. Here goes the quick fire list;
Golf(currently 5 handicap), rock-climbing (traditional 5.11’s, sport 5.12’s and bouldering in the v5 range) hiking up to 35 miles in a day, camping, hunting, fishing these are easy as most have seen the involvement there. Wrestling, basketball, football, rugby, ice skating (never got to play hockey which I regret) scuba-diving, surfing, boogey boarding, knee boarding, wakeboarding, water skiing, snow skiing, snowboarding, I shoot pistol, rifle, shotgun, traditional recurve and compound archery with fingers and a release. I’ve successfully hunted black bear, guided a friend for brown bear on Kodiak Island in Alaska, Roosevelt elk in Oregon and Rocky Mtn elk in Washington, whitetail deer, mule and black-tail deer, coyote, rabbit, raccoon. I’ve played soccer, volleyball (2 man beach and 6 man team) karate, mma, tennis, ping-pong, sea kayaking, white water rafting, jet-skiing, tubing is a given , 9 ball and 8 ball leagues and tourneys,
I have done some construction over the years, rewired a couple houses, framing, concrete, masonry plumbing, lots of roofs from cedar shakes, and metal to flat tar welded roofs and more sheetrock then anyone should have to do. Egress windows are my new specialty, jackhammers and concrete saws, no problem. I’m not a fan I’ve pavers for a driveway but if you need a new fence just tell me what kind and how high what a pain. I’ve built a few rock-climbing walls which are a blast, creativity at it’s finest! I’ve worked fast food, and been on banquet staff’s preparing food and folding napkins, serving and clean up. I been a lot attendant and valet, worked security, gave pool lessons and lawn care/tree trimming. Was hired as a snowboard instructor the week before I destroyed my knee and ended up as a caddy instead. I’ve cut fish for a packaging plant, been a personal trainer and gym manager, youth pastor, activities director, coach (football, wrestling, golf, volleyball). I’ve given climbing lessons, snowboarding lessons and taught who knows how many to water ski. I sold cars then worked at Sportmans Warehouse for a few years starting as an archery dept grunt, moving to the gun counter then to management with a move to Alaska which I fell in love with. Managed the archery dept in Spokane then went to Salem OR (not my fav place on the planet) to clean up a messed up hunting dept and get it running smoothly again before I went to work for Aluminum Chambered Boats a company my dad started about 11 years ago now. My job title there changed weekly if not daily to include; project manager, professional photographer/videographer, US Marine BEB Mark II operations instructor, warranty coordinator, customer liaison, product improvement director and so on. Then I went to China as a missionary and since have began trying to start my own business to accomplish the dreams that God has given me instead of working for everyone else.
On to life in general… haha I have hunted in Alaska, Washington, Idaho and New York. I have been rock climbing in California, Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Hawaii, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, New York, Montana, China and Thailand. I grew up living with my mom and visiting my dad on the weekends which usually ended up being my step mom and siblings as my dad worked most Saturdays. I did a lot of fishing while I was there and learned to love the water. I would swim a ton but could watch the fish swim around my bait and keep a line in the water for hours. I remember our trips to the lake like the time I got motion sickness (which Brian still teases me about) and the 7.5 lb tinch ( pretty much a fish that looks like a giant worm, really a type of carp though). I remember going to Sprague lake and looking for my grandpa or just fishing from the high banks if we weren’t sure where he was, cause he was usually there. I remember Amy wearing her snowsuit to go hunting and I’m sure every deer in the area was trying to figure out what that bright loud thing in the woods was. I remember getting in trouble for not wanting to eat a hot dog and being spanked when it made me throw up and for not liking my step moms jell-o with the chunks of banana in it (Jell-o was meant to be good, not healthy). I remember the day I heard Kris tell the youth pastor from their church she and I hated each other it was a mutual understanding and am thankful for how far God has brought us since then. I remember getting in trouble for things I didn’t do and for things that were an accident. I guess I wonder if dad was hard on me cause he thought I didn’t like my half sisters. Again, big trouble if we called them step-sisters.
A 4 month pause…..