So this thought is rolling thru my head tonight. A simple thought and yet, at the same time, it is a question I am unable to really answer well. Other than the simple "text book/Sunday school" answer.
I have a friend that I have known since about the 6th grade. He has prior memories of me but I do not of him. This friend, in a way, gave up several years of his life for me. Obviously not literally but he allowed me, being an obnoxious jr higher and about 5 years younger, to tag along just about everywhere with him. We went to church, snowboarding and put the hurt on just about every all-you-can-eat buffet in Spokane on a regular basis. Especially JB's for the all-you-can-eat Sunday bar they used to have. If it were not for this person in my life I am fairly certain I would not be who I am now, and would very possibly be "singing in the quire of the undead" by now. (Sorry for the constant barrage of movie quotes :-)) I would do anything within my power for that man.
Why is it then that I struggle daily doing the things that would please the one who literally gave up everything for me? The one who suffered and died to cover the blood penalty owed for my sin.
One might think it a simple thing at first. However, the simple facts are that we have an enemy. An enemy who is a wise and sneaky pest that desires our ultimate destruction. That and we are born with this sin nature. This selfishness within that desires more to make sure "I" am taken care of and get what "I" want more than to please my savior.
Our world tells us to compromise. That there must be middle ground where "we can all just get along". This is not what our Lord has called us to. He has called us to be set apart for His glory. To be in this world as a light that all may see and know He is God. There is no middle ground there can be no compromise. There is one way to God, thru Jesus Christ the risen and only Son of He who created us from the dust of the earth and formed us in the womb or our mothers. May we daily seek Him and strive to make our Father proud to call us sons and daughters. That we may make known and lift high the name of Christ and His kingdom.
oh to hear those words upon our arrival home when we finally get there... "well done good and faithful servant". For this I am not worthy but oh that I may be counted among the faithful.